Anna Hashimoto
Artist biography

Anna Hashimoto

After starting her career as a concerto soloist with the English Chamber Orchestra at age 15, Anna Hashimoto has gone on become one of the most in-demand young soloists of her generation.


Anna Hashimoto

Anna Hashimoto (ARAM)’s career encompasses appearances as a soloist and orchestral musician alongside a commitment to education.

After winning the Young Clarinettists Competition in Tokyo in 2003, she made her Londonconcerto debut at the age of fifteen with the English Chamber Orchestra at the Barbican Centre, and went on to win international clarinet competitions in Carlino, Italy in 2009 and Kortrijk, Belgium in 2010. Following this, her solo career took her to major venues across Europeand Japan, performing concertos with orchestras such as the Brussels Philharmonic, Filharmonie Hradec Kralove in the renowned Dvořák Hall in Prague, Japan Philharmonic, New JapanPhilharmonic, Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestras, working with conductors such as VladimirAshkenazy, Myung-Whun Chung and Martyn Brabbins. She released three solo CD albumswhich all received high praise, and has been broadcast on NHK TV and FM, Tokyo FM, ABC Radio and BBC Radio 3, including numerous appearances in Radio 3’s ‘In Tune’, NHK-FM’s ‘Bestof Classic’, and NHK TV’s ‘Classic Club’. She is a founding member of the Atéa Quintet, who is Associate Ensemble in Residence at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

She has appeared as guest principal clarinet with orchestras such as the BBC Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Japan Chamber Orchestra, and the Flanders Symphony Orchestra. She is aclarinet tutor at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, and has given masterclasses andjudged numerous competitions such as Japan Clarinet Society's Young Clarinettists Competition and the Cardiff Clarinet Convention. Since 2020 she has been one of the clarinet tutorsfor the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain.

Anna is represented by Nippon Artist Management Inc. and is a Vandoren-UK artist. She playson Peter Eaton International clarinets and basset clarinet.

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