Emma Johnson
Artist biography

Emma Johnson

Soloist Emma Johnson is famous the world over for her performances of British masterworks for the instrument; not only active as soloist and recording artist, she also is renown as a composer for the clarinet.


Emma Johnson

Emma grew up in London and her career was launched when at the age of 17 she won BBC Young Musician of the Year followed by the Young Concert Artists Auditions in New York. She studied Music and English at Pembroke College, Cambridge before embarking on music full time and since then she has performed all over the world.Johnson has made 30 recordings to date; tracks from her recent album with the BBC Concert Orchestra, English Fantasy, have been streamed 5 million times on Spotify. Voyage and The Mozart Album on the Universal label were also classical chart-topping successes and Johnson's CD of Brahms sonatas with John Lenehan was described as "definitive" in The Observer, whilst her recording of Stanford and Finzi Concertos was nominated for a Gramophone Award.Emma Johnson is also a composer; books of her arrangements and compositions have been published by Chesters, Fabers and Encore Publications. Songs of Celebration, Johnson's composition for clarinet and choir, has recently been performed in Dublin, London and Tokyo and she has written a clarinet concerto Tree of Life which has numerous performances planned with her hand-picked Orchestra For the Environment. A series of new solo clarinet pieces has been published by Queen's Temple Publishing.

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